Winstrol 50 (Orale Stanozolol)





Winstrol 50 (Orale Stanozolol) is a widely used anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) used both medically and in bodybuilding and athletics. It is primarily used to increase muscle mass and strength, and to reduce androgen-related side effects such as hair loss and acne. The product is available in various forms, including injections, tablets, and gels. It has a wide range of effects on the body and is known to be an effective agent for both cutting cycles and bulking up. It has a mild level of toxicity, is relatively non-estrogenic, and has an excellent safety profile.

What is Winstrol 50?

Winstrol 50 is an AAS medication produced by British Dispensary Pharmaceuticals. It contains 50mg of the active ingredient stanozolol, which is a synthetic version of the natural hormone, testosterone. Stanozolol has been used in medical settings for over 50 years, and is commonly used by bodybuilders and athletes to increase muscle mass and strength, to reduce fat, and to help minimize some of the androgen-related side effects associated with steroid use.

Benefits of Winstrol 50

Winstrol 50 has several benefits when used as part of a training and bodybuilding regimen:

  • Increases muscle mass
  • Increases strength and power
  • Reduces fat
  • Minimizes androgen-related side effects
  • Improves overall muscle tone and definition
  • Combats muscle fatigue
  • Improves energy levels

Pharmacological Properties

Winstrol 50 is similar to other AAS medications in that it acts on the androgen receptors and increases protein synthesis. It is primarily used for its anabolic properties, which are said to increase muscle mass, strength, and definition. It is also said to improve recovery and reduce fatigue. The main difference between Winstrol 50 and other AAS medications is its lower level of toxicity, as well as its non-estrogenic properties. This means that it is less likely to cause water retention, bloating, and a host of other androgen-related side effects.

Effects & Side Effects

Winstrol 50’s effects are largely due to its anabolic properties. It is used to help increase muscle mass and strength, reduce fat, and improve overall muscle tone and definition. It is also said to increase energy levels and reduce fatigue. In terms of side effects, Winstrol 50 is relatively mild compared to other AAS medications. Common side effects include increased cholesterol levels, headaches and dizziness, nausea, and stomach discomfort. Other more serious side effects include liver damage, decreased sperm count, hair loss, acne, low libido, and gynecomastia.

Correct Dosage & Overdose

The recommended dosage for Winstrol 50 is usually 1-2 tablets per day. The tablets should be taken orally, with water, and with meals. It is important to start with a low dosage and slowly increase it as needed. In the event of an overdose, medical attention should be sought immediately. Overdosing on Winstrol 50 can lead to serious and potentially life-threatening side effects.

Indications & Contraindications

Winstrol 50 is usually prescribed to treat a variety of medical conditions, including pressure ulcers, burns, and post-menopausal osteoporosis. It is also used to treat anemia and hereditary angioedema in certain cases. Winstrol 50 should not be used by people with certain medical conditions, such as kidney or liver disease, prostate cancer, breast cancer, testicular cancer, stroke, heart attack, or head injury.


Winstrol 50 is an effective and relatively safe AAS medication that can provide numerous benefits to those looking for an edge in the bodybuilding and athletic world. It can help increase muscle mass, strength, and definition, while reducing fat and minimizing androgen-related side effects. It has a mild level of toxicity and is relatively non-estrogenic, making it safer than many other AAS medications. It also has a wide range of indications and can be used to treat a variety of medical conditions. For those looking for an effective steroid to help reach their bodybuilding and athletic goals, Winstrol 50 is worth considering.

Additional information

substance active


Amount of substance, mg


formulaire de discharge


1 compress, mg



Dragon Pharma

volume de commande

Pacchetto (100 Comprimés)


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