


About S-Bol 10mg

S-Bol 10mg is a dietary supplement produced by Bharat Serums and Vaccines Limited; an Indian biotechnology company which is committed to providing high quality healthcare Assistive Solutions. This muscle health supplement is a focused combination of potent natural ingredients which supports healthy muscle growth, prevents muscle breakdown and helps you to achieve your physique goals. These special tablets contain high doses of essential BCAAs and other plant-based extracts, allowing them to be assimilated quickly and achieve the desired effect in a short span of time. The supplement helps to enhance muscle recovery, relieve joint and muscle pain, reduce fatigue, and improve physical and cognitive performance.

Benefits of S-Bol 10mg

• Supports increased muscle strength and boosts body mass • Enhances muscle recovery even after heavy workouts • Reduces fatigue and improves physical and mental performance • Provides joint and muscle pain relief from strenuous exercises • Contributes to the prevention of muscle breakdown and accelerated fat burning • Formulated according to the highest standards of pharmaceutical safety • 100% vegetarian tablets, containing no traces of animal products • Rigorous tests conducted to ensure product compliance with the highest standards of quality

Pharmacological Properties of S-Bol 10mg

S-Bol 10mg contains a high dose of essential BCAAs and other plant-based ingredients which are rapidly absorbed. The amino acids contained in these tablets play a major role in protein synthesis and energy production. Regular intake of this muscle supplement helps to build strong muscles, removes fatigue, reduces inflammation, and improves overall physical and mental performance.

How to Use and Dosage

For best results, it is recommended to take one tablet at least once a day with water or juice. The effects of the supplement vary in individuals, so it should be taken under the guidance of an experienced physician or nutritionist. Overdoses should strictly be avoided as it can cause serious side-effects.

Potential Side Effects

Although the use of S-Bol 10mg generally has no side effects, some users may experience some mild adverse reactions such as nausea, headaches, or dizziness. It is recommended to discontinue the use of the supplement if any of these symptoms persist.

Indications and Contraindications

S-Bol 10mg is intended for healthy adults over the age of 18 who are looking to build muscle strength, increase body mass, and enhance physical and mental performance. The product should not be combined with other muscle supplements and should be avoided if you suffer from any chronic medical condition.

The Value Offered

S-Bol 10mg is a high-quality and effective muscle health supplement which contains natural ingredients that are quickly assimilated. Its regular use can help to improve physical performance, support muscle recovery and growth, reduce fatigue, and maintain overall health. With its unique value proposition and potent ingredients, S-Bol 10mg truly fits the need of the modern fitness enthusiast.

Additional information

substance active


Amount of substance, mg


formulaire de discharge


1 compress, mg




volume de commande

Pacchetto (100 Comprimés)


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